Last week I gave a lesson to the segment host, and on Thursday Dan McMannus gave her a tandem flight (and flew with a video cam on board). In addition to those shoots, the video producer wanted to get some air-to-air footage, and wanted it to be over some of the breathe taking iconic red rock cliffs of Southern Utah.
Friday a small group of pilots, along with a video crew, headed down to Hurricane, UT. The plan was for Dan to take the producer tandem, and throughout the flight the videographer could shoot aerial footage flying with the other pilots.
The group consisted of Dan and Hildegard, Heather, Wes, Dave Gibson, and myself. After the 4 hr drive down, we scoped the LZ, then headed up top. The hang pilots set up their gliders, while the video crew set up their gear. Once everyone was ready- pilots launched 1 by 1, and easily climbed. As soon as Dangerous Dave launched the air show began. He was in his element, and having an inspired day... the film crew were loving it!
Later in the day Dan top landed so he could take the video producer up tandem for the air-to-air stuff. At this point conditions were strong... 10-15, probably gusting to 20. And this 'aint the South Side- it was rocky. With brush and cacti. Dan did a few fly-throughs and then lined it up and went for it. Dan executed the most extreme and technical slider I have ever seen. I was in awe of what I had just seen; I am still utterly impressed.
Anyway, Dan and Eric (video producer) went up and shot some aerial footage. I haven't seen the footage yet, but between the red rocks, the clouds and sunset, and triple-D's flying circus air show, the footage should be astounding... I can't wait!

When you plan a video shoot around something like hang gliding, you never know if it will work out... especially when that plan involves traveling 300 miles to an unfamiliar site. But the weather gods rewarded our faith with epic flights, footage, and photos. I wouldn't change a thing about the whole experience (except maybe next time I'll get to fly too)...
I can't wait to see the video footage you guys got. Looks like it's going to be sick.
her- i- can doesn't rhyme with rain...
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