Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spring has Sprung

Good 'couple-o-days on the Wasatch!

May 1 we had a great day on the North Side, getting 9k+ over the bench with relative ease! Sean AKA IrishGuy flew for something like 4+ hours, and I tagged Lone Peak (my max alt was just under 11,500 ft msl).

May 2 we flew Inspo, and I was able to get up over Cascade, which is about 11k high... then I jumped over to Mt Timponogos, but wasn't quite able to reach the summit (12k). Flew for 2.5 hrs and thoroughly enjoyed the views over the Wasatch.

Google Earth view of my flight yesterday over Cascade/Timponogos

These were my first two flights in Utah on my new wing- a Wills Wing T2C 144. I'm really digging it! It handles great, and it has enough eye-candy (in the form of carbon fiber everything) to last me a lifetime! I also went for a custom inlay design, so it's very unique. There will be no question which one is me from now on!

My new T2C bling wing... "Sundancer"

HUGE thanks to all of the guys (and gals) at Wills Wing! Just when you think you can't possibly enjoy flying any more, you get a surprise like this and it's like being a little kid all over again! Loving every minute...

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